Corporate management strategy pertinent to the next industrial revolution

In short; eco-efficiency is a management strategy of doing more with less.
It is based on the principle of creating more goods and services while using fewer resources and creating less waste and pollution. This management strategy generates more value through the deployment of technology, processes and strategic pivoting opportunities, whilst reducing resource use and environmental impact throughout the life of a product or service. This methodology and approach can enhance all areas of business, from purchasing, production, operations, marketing and distribution, through to capital markets and financing: ultimately creating long-term sustainable value for investors and stakeholders.

Yggdrasil, also called the World Tree, is an immense and central sacred tree in Norse cosmology. It unifies the entire universe, including the Nine Realms.
Our mission
To be a leading advisor, providing a full-service solution to global corporates as they pivot to a sustainability centric business strategy.

CAse Studies
Transformative Case Studies
Case studies which illustrate the transformative nature of a strategic adjustment with sustainability at its core...
A strategic re-appraisal of their operations led to them undertaking the arduous task of converting their business model from a traditional waste disposal operation to a resource business.
Through a combination of technology investments, process innovation, and success in having environmental regulation significantly strengthened, Norsk Gjenvinning Group succeeded in fundamentally transforming the waste disposal industry in Norway, as well as developing significant strategic advantages in the market.
These practices forced farmers to move their plantations every few years, which led to more rainforests being felled and resulted in disruptions and suspension of tea supply to Unilever. This wider review by Unilver of its supply chain led to the establishment of a cohort of individuals specifically skilled in the area of sustainable agriculture, who was tasked with educating the farmers on improved growing practices, through which Unilever managed to remove the disruptions in supply, and develop a new premium product to sell – Sustainable Tea.
Meet the team
Yggdrasil represents a diverse set of skillsets and expertise which enable their clients to learn, develop, adapt, implement and deliver lasting and profitable strategic re-positioning across all verticals, with sustainability as a core driver.